Thursday, May 20, 2010

The End is Here!

I simply can't believe that this is the last night of the school year! My sweet boy is officially done with Kindergarten, and my big girl will be in preK at Wilson next year! On the Eve of Summer I am a little nostalgic for the year gone by, and a little apprehensive for the summer itself.
I hate to say this, but I have gotten spoiled. I am used to having a bit of "Me" time during the week and I know it will be in short supply this summer. The upside? Time spent hanging out and laying low with my kiddos. As they have gotten older it has gotten easier to just relax and enjoy our down time. So, starting next week- don't call me before 8:00... I hope I will still be sleeping:) (Those of you who know my kids know this is serious wishful thinking!!!)
Here are a few pics of the last bit of school year fun. Both kiddos had field trips to the park today and I got to be there for a little of Zella's and all of Zander's. What sweet groups of kiddos and great teachers!

Zella Grace and the First Pres. Crew:

Zander's Kindergarten Picnic:

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely love the pic of the girl whispering to Zander.
