Saturday, March 5, 2011

One Year Blogiversary

Yesterday I took a peek back at the archives of this blog. I thought it had been about a year since I started this little project and I was right- today marks one year of posting about our adventures big and small. I have really enjoyed finding this outlet for my random thoughts, recipes, and projects. By nature being a stay at home mom is a little isolating. No matter how many activities and volunteer projects you take on the vast majority of every day is spent without much adult contact. Blogging has been a really fun way to stop and share some thoughts, especially on days when there is not anyone around to chat with.
When I had Zander over seven years ago people with older kids remarked over and over again about how fast life moves. They are so very right. I feel like I woke up a month or two ago and I am no longer the mom of little kids. I have about six more months and then both my kiddos will be in all day school. I can't wait to see what sort of changes await in the year to come. Thanks to my faithful readers and dear friends for your love and support!

1 comment:

  1. I love, love, love your blog. I hope it makes it into your schedule as your kids head off to school.
