1. Lance and I went to Portland Oregon!
It was a fantastic trip. My friend Meg got married, and Lance and I were so glad to be able to go and be there for her special day. Portland is such a great city, and spending the weekend there with all my best college girlfriends was so much fun. It is so amazing that after almost 15 years we can still get together and it is just like it always has been. I so value my friendships with these ladies! Here are a few pictures of the weekend...

2. What happened to the rest of November?
I swear I woke up after the trip and it was Thanksgiving week. I guess a few things happened in between... Our neighbors had the sweetest baby boy, Zander and Zella had a rocking sleepover with Geep and gege, Lance and I had a couple date nights.
3. Thanksgiving!
We had a fantastic time over Thanksgiving with my mom and dad in town for the week. Papa brought Zander's bb gun and they set up a shooting range in the garage. This was a major hit. My mom and Zella played about 50 hours of my little pony and baby dolls. We ate, went to the Lego Cityscape exhibit, checked out a new candy shop downtown called Pinketzel.

4. I got another year older.
It sure is fun to celebrate a birthday when everyone is around. We went to church, out to lunch, ice skating, and to the wedge for dinner on my birthday. What a day! The celebration continued last night at the Thunder game with friends, and Geep and Gege offered to take us out to dinner tonight to make this a three day party:) I am so blessed, and looking forward to another fantastic year. Here are a few shots of us on the ice. I was amazed at how well the kids did!

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