1. Bible School took over my life for a couple of weeks.
2. I went on vacation to celebrate my 10th anniversary to a cabin with no tv or Internet.
3. I have been spending quality time playing with my kids.
4. I have been catching up on all the housework and yardwork I did not do during #1 and #2.
Some are not so good:
1. I would rather read magazines than type on the computer.
2. Someone interrupts me nearly every time I sit down to type on the computer.
3. I have been drinking a lot of the beer we brought back from vacation and watching Season 1 of Entourage on DVD.
Here are some highlights from the past three weeks.
The Kids had a really excellent adventure with my parents. My mom and dad bought a super nice camper and took the kids on a camping trip to Rocky Mountain National Park and Dinosaur National Park. They hiked, swam, fished, learned, became junior rangers at both parks, and conned my mom and dad into purchasing literally EVERY souvenir in all gift shops they went in. We almost needed a trailer to get home. More on this portion of the vacation as my mom sends pictures. They had a blast and I am so very blessed to have a mom and dad who want to do all this cool stuff with their grandkids.
So, after Lance and I kicked the kids to the curb next to the camper and peeled out of the parking lot we had an amazing vacation in honor of our 10th wedding anniversary. Earlier this spring we were watching the show Modern Family one night and the quote of the year for me came out of Claire's mouth:
"I am a mom travelling with my children. This is not a vacation- it is a business trip!"
That pretty much sums it up for me, and though I adore a good business trip with my kiddos... this was a real vacation!
We sat on the deck every morning drinking coffee and looking at the mountains. And it was cold. Those of you that do not live on the surface of the sun in Oklahoma will not get the importance of the cold. Wonderful. Here is a sunset view from the A-Frame deck...
Lance took bike rides and I went for long walks, we hung out and about a year's worth of date nights in a week. Fabulous! Here are a few highlights...
Hiking through the snow to Columbine Lake:
Revisiting spots from the days we were first dating:
Winning at mini golf, front deck sitting and sipping, and scrabble battles:
All in all, a fantastic getaway. Good to be back home, but I still find myself longing for Colorado at least a couple times every day.
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