Two years ago my son started showing some interest in growing things. At our old house we planted a few tomato plants and a couple of pepper plants along with some basil and had a ball watching it all grow. Kids love digging in the dirt and watching the magical growth of plants. Last summer we really missed out on doing a garden as we were between houses. So, this year Zander and I started talking about our garden early. He has been asking me for the past month when we can plant our plants. This weekend was so beautiful I couldn't resist getting started. Here we are getting things in the ground:

Zella got in on the action as well, digging for worms and grubs

So far we have planed a couple tomato varieties, red and yellow bell peppers, three strawberry plants, cucumbers, swiss chard, basil, and cilantro. I plan to add a few more tomatoes and some zucchini. Can't wait to eat those tomatoes!
Cali has been talking about the garden she is going to plant for oh, about 6 months now. Guess we better get started! :-) I look forward to seeing your harvest!